
Industry responds to phoenix reforms

Industry has been quick to respond to the draft reforms Treasury released in August aimed at more effectively combatting illegal phoenix activity and the verdict from the two key bodies is mixed. Both the Australian Restructuring, Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA) and the Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM) lodged submissions to the draft reforms on September 28, 2018. The thrust of the submissions is that…

ATO’s FOI lag puts liquidators at disadvantage

When regulators insist on timely compliance it’s no surprise that the regulated grow cynical when their efforts aren’t reciprocated. Registered liquidators have been telling Insolvency News Online (INO) that all is not as it should be in respect of the provision of documents by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) in response to requests made through the ATO business portal. The requests are made under Freedom…

KordaMentha partner exonerated by ARITA

It didn’t take long for ARITA to dismiss the complaints made about member and KordaMentha partner Rahul Goyal. As we reported last week in Tiaro Coal Creditors Gunning For Goyal various individuals connected to Tiaro Coal’s major creditor the Hudson Investment Group complained to ARITA about Goyal’s conduct on the administration. They alleged he was in cahoots with a major creditor with which KordaMentha has a referral relationship…

ARITA’s National Conference unlike any other

Advertorial ARITA’s national conference later this month is likely to be a barometer of the prevailing pre-occupations among an insolvency and restructuring profession fighting headwinds in pursuit of opportunity. Technology, law reform, the economy and corporate culture. ARITA has homed in on the issues which represent both challenge and opportunity and assembled some of the best qualified to explore the risks and rewards attaching to…

Liquidator Peter Macks loses bid to grill ASIC officers

It would have been quite a sight seeing ASIC investigators involved in the regulator’s achingly drawn out pursuit of Peter Macks cross-examined by the South Australian-based liquidator but it is not to be, with Justice Sam Doyle of the Supreme Court of South Australia declining to countenance such entertainments. In Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Macks [2018] SASC 132 the judge revealed how he had refused…

Reviewing liquidators Panel – ASIC forgets the DIRR

Hard on the heels of ex-Treasurer Peter Costello’s savaging of the corporate regulator comes INO’s own ASIC-induced fulmination, ignited by an erroneous response to a straight forward question about the proposed Reviewing Liquidators Panel (RLP). As many INO readers will know, on Tuesday this week Thea Eszenyi from ASIC’s Insolvency Practitioners Stakeholder Team sent an email to registered liquidators advising that ASIC was establishing a Reviewing Liquidator Panel (RLP),…

Vale David Young – much loved practitioner dies

Well known and highly regarded insolvency practitioner David Young has died suddenly after a two year battle with cancer. He passed away after learning last week that the disease, which he thought he was beating, had turned terminal. Lawyer and close friend Michael Hayter said David was one of the good guys of the insolvency profession and had been inspirational in his final days. “He…

Pitcher’s phoenix probe yields liquidators’ names

Pitcher Partners‘ mother-of-all public examinations kicked off this week and already two liquidators names have been mentioned in despatches as the marathon inquiry into an alleged $100 million phoenixing scheme gains momentum in room 8B of Melbourne’s Federal Court. Pitcher’s Andrew Yeo and Gess Rambaldi are being funded by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) to prise open what may be the largest phoenix syndicate yet uncovered and as part of…

Hall Chadwick’s Validus link snapped by BRI

It’s with a sense of deja vu that INO embarks upon this tale, not least because there’s a link between many of the characters and those we featured in Hall Chadwick’s Validus DIRRI Heavy On Referrer Detail, published on Wednesday. Back on May 11, 2018 one of the directors of ASX-listed Capital Mining Limited called Hall Chadwick’s Richard Albarran to arrange a meeting. There must’ve been a fair degree…

SX Projects liquidator resigned after threats

It was just before the May 21, 2018 annual meeting of creditors of failed builder SX Projects that incumbent liquidator Geoff Reidy was approached by several individuals wanting a quiet word. Intrigued, Reidy agreed to the impromptu chat with the men, who one of INO’s sources described as being of South Pacific islander appearance. Once away from prying ears and eyes however, it became clear that they weren’t…