Resource shortfall sees small practice lose a plumb

Chifley Advisory’s Gavin Moss.dVT Group partner Henry Kwok.Resource shortfalls can produce plenty of pain for small insolvency practice operators, as evidenced by the difficulties encountered recently by Chifley Advisory principal Gavin Moss.“Mr Moss believes Mr Kwok has access to additional resources in his new firm, especially forensic accountants in dVT Group’s forensic division, to assist with the litigation and investigation regarding voidable transactions which will…

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Whole Lottah litigating going on

Grant Thornton’s Phil Campbell-Wilson.Worrells’ Christopher Darin.For some time two sets of practitioners have been tooing and frooing in respect of $20 million, claimed by one lot of liquidators in a winding up administered by another lot.Schemes of arrangement have been proposed then abandoned. Deeds of company arrangement (DoCA) likewise, and in the absence of a resolution from either of these trusted mechanisms, litigation has volunteered…