The firm of disgraced ex-liquidator Amos Insolvency has been wound up by a former staff member.
In the NSW Supreme Court this week orders were made appointing Wayne Marshall and Alan Hayes as liquidators of Amos Insolvency.
The winding up application was brought on last month under Section 459P of the Corporations Act by Steven Henry Jardie of Beverley Hills, who previously worked for Amos before joining David Ingram and David Ross at I&R Advisory.
iNO understands the debt relates to unpaid staff entitlements and the decision to apply to have the company wound up follows ASIC refusing an application by Amos Insolvency staffers for relief under the Abandoned Companies rules.
ASIC’s refusal meant the staff had to have the company wound up themselves so they could access the FEG Scheme.
Marshall and Hayes meanwhile will be hoping the company’s sole director is as cooperative with them as he has been with ASIC and the authorities in respect of his guilty plea in the NSW District Court in December last year to six charges relating to the disappearance of almost $2.5 million from five external administration accounts under his control between 2016 and 2022.
Amos will return to court for sentencing in June.
Further reading:
Ex-Liquidator to be sentenced for $2.5 million theft
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