
Extend-a-thon continues as VAs sweat on Solomons

Hall Chadwick partner Kathleen Vouris. Hall Chadwick’s Richard Albarran. It’s not often that a pair of administrators seek the court’s approval to extend a convening period with the excuse that they’re waiting for a foreign government to stump up a deed contribution that’ll make all debts disappear. Hall Chadwick partners Richard Albarran and Kathleen Vouris however can lay claim to this rare distinction. As administrators…

ASIC resists Salt Lake VAs’ SPA push

KPMG’s Martin Jones. With wounds still agape after the whuppin’ meted out by West Australian Supreme Court judge Kenneth Martin on December 1, one wonders what fresh hiding to nothing ASIC is on as it seeks to have three insolvency practitioners from KPMG punted as the administrators of Salt Lake Potash Limited (SLPL). At a hearing in The West Australian Supreme Court this week SLPL…

Receivers fail to persuade appointment was valid

Hamilton Murphy’s Stephen Dixon. Liquidator Ahmed Bise. Invalidity of appointment, inadequate attention to Consumer Credit codes, trespass even. Two recent judgments of Supreme Court of Victoria judge Peter Riordan show why it is wise to know one’s appointor, and even wiser to verify their security. Stephen Dixon and Ahmed Bise, the unfortunate pair in this salutary tale were, at the time of their first appointment…