Pitcher Partners NSW has been left temporarily without an insolvency capability after its entire team defected to DW Advisory.
Speaking to iNO yesterday, outgoing Pitchers partner Paul Weston said after 10 years he was ready to move out of the mid-tier multi-disciplinary space into a boutique insolvency-focussed environment.
“I love the game and I love the people I work with and I’m not aware of too many bridges I’ve burnt. I’m quite excited about it,” Weston said.
Describing the split as “amicable” he said he would remain a client of Pitchers, joking that the “partner rates” he had enjoyed would be lost.
The deal, which Weston inked with DW’s Anthony Elkerton yesterday, will see Weston and Pitchers’ principal Daniel Cooksley sign on as principals of DW Advisory.
A further four Pitcher Partners’ staffers will join them, swelling DW Advisory’s specialist insolvency team by 50 per cent, from 12 to 18.
Pitchers NSW meanwhile will cease to operate an insolvency service at least in the short term.
Refusing to say whether Weston and Cooksley would take equity, Elkerton told iNO yesterday: “These are people I know and trust and I’m happy to work with them again.”
He and Weston worked together when Elkerton was at Pitchers between 2005 and 2013. Support INO’s continued chronicling of the insolvency sector.
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