Star chef Brad Jolly facing liquidation as ATO strikes

It doesn’t matter how superbly well prepared the tucker is if you’re drowning in expenses and in the case of Brisbane-based celebrity chef Brad Jolly he’s faced two inimical forces in his efforts to keep Brisbane institution Alchemy afloat. One is the Australia Tax Office, which slapped Jolly’s Hemisphere Restaurant & Bar Pty Ltd with a winding up notice yesterday after commencing recovery proceedings last month in the Federal Court. A…

SiN 2017 – the Year in Review

The year is done, Christmas is come and for SiN it is time to replenish the reservoir of curiosity ahead of what promises to be a fascinating 2018. From next year the Insolvency Law Reform Act (ILRA) will be in full swing. Insolvency practitioners will face a world where creditors will have expanded powers. Appointees will need to get used to being replaced. Courts too…

Same referrers tar liquidators marked for termination

One of the most interesting aspects of chronicling the insolvency profession’s triumphs and tribulations involves the frequent observance of coincidence. The regulated population of registered liquidators might seem small, but not necessarily in the context of the amount of work available, which is a question that brings us to consideration of the sources of appointments. In the latest occurrence of coincidence, two liquidators facing efforts…

Heat’s off Kassem after Dyldam avoids default: Update

UPDATE Monday, November 27, 2017: It appears Ozem Kassem and others referred to below can rest easy, at least for now. SiN can reveal that over the weekend Stephen Hathway  the administrator of the Plaza West deed of company arrangement, received a critical payment under the terms of the DoCA which had been in arrears. The payment followed a threat by Hathway to place the company into…

Tax boss wins access to time sheets in Tinkler fight

In the latest skirmish over the multi-million dollar proceeds of sale of the Patinack Farm properties once owned by Nathan Tinkler, liquidators Neil Cussen and David Mansfield have been ordered to deliver their time sheets to the Commissioner of Taxation (CoT). Following a directions hearing in the NSW Supreme Court on Monday, Justice Paul Brereton ordered the Deloitte duo to produce the time sheets and pay…

PPB preparing to tread on Deloitte’s Plutus patch

Early next month a series of contested interlocutory applications will be heard that could see PPB Advisory’s Steve Parbery and Glenn Livingstone surf in on what until now has been Deloitte’s exclusive turf – the web of entities linked to the alleged $130 million Plutus Payroll PAYG fraud. On Monday, the NSW Supreme Court heard that Synep Pty Limited – the company at the head of the…

Plutus Payroll neighbour wound up early on.

Hall Chadwick duo liquidating Plutus Payroll neighbour

While the Australian Tax Office (ATO) moved earlier this year on those alleged to have masterminded the alleged $165 million Plutus Payroll fraud, at least one of those close to the architects of the scheme was attending to curiously related affairs well beforehand. It was in fact September 20, 2016 when Christian Paul Budd-Madison, whose company Hartford Investments shared offices in Double Bay with those of the businesses of Plutus…