Pitchers duo dodge inspector general bullet

Pitcher Partners’ Andrew Yeo.Pitcher Partners’ Gess Rambaldi.Water rights, unending ATO audits and internet scams – Pitchers Partners duo Andrew Yeo and Gess Rambaldi have had quite a time of it in respect of the bankruptcy of Victorian dairy farmer Peter Alan Sandles, and that’s without being heavied by the Inspector General in Bankruptcy.The intriguing tale comes to us via Federal Circuit Court Judge Alastair McNab,…

Trustee referred to Schedule 2 Committee – again

Louise Thomson: first trustee to be referred to disciplinary committee twice. Image Veritas Advisory. With apologies to Oscar Wilde, iNO was recently moved to observe that while being referred to a disciplinary committee once might be considered a misfortune, twice looks like carelessness. Certainly it will be unfortunate if it transpires that misfortune is behind AFSA’s most recent referral of Louise Thomson to a committee convened…

Dixon ousted from Lonestar after AFSA intervention

Hamilton Murphy’s Stephen Dixon.The old independence bugbear never lets up it seems with AFSA recently gnawing on an apparently conflicted limb attached to registered trustee Stephen Dixon.iNO understands it was the view of the personal insolvency regulator that the Hamilton Murphy partner should not have taken an appointment as trustee of the bankrupt estate of Graeme Charles Diamond, 63 of Guanaba in Queensland, back in…

Trustee resigned before committee hearing

Peter Dinoris: resigned before disciplinary hearingQueensland practitioner Peter Dinoris, who had been due to face a disciplinary committee, has resigned as a trustee in bankruptcy on health grounds according to a statement by the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) this week.“On Monday 17 June 2019, having received evidence concerning the health of Mr Peter Dinoris, the Inspector-General accepted Mr Dinoris’ voluntary resignation as a registered…

IP’s days look numbered

Artemis Insolvency’s Peter Dinoris.Queensland liquidator and trustee in bankruptcy Peter Dinoris could be preparing to exit the formal end of the insolvency game after the IP transferred dozens of files to a rival.The Supreme Court of Queensland this week made orders transferring 44 of Dinoris’s court liquidations (CLs) and creditors voluntary liquidations (CVLs) to Jonathan McLeod and Bill Karageozis of McLeod Partners.INO understands several staff…

Bankruptcy trustee’s axing imminent

Artemis Insolvency’s Peter Dinoris.The bankruptcy regulator has confirmed what INO reported back on March 6, 2019 – Queensland-based trustee Peter Dinoris is potentially facing the chop.Without fanfare the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) has attached a notice on its register of trustees advising that the Inspector General in Bankruptcy had issued Dinoris with a show cause notice and received no response.Accordingly, the Inspector General then…

Is Queensland trustee’s ticket on the line?

Peter Dinoris: Word is that AFSa would like a chat.INO’s spent part of this week trying to corroborate multiple reports coming across our desk advising that Artemis Insolvency principal Peter Dinoris may be facing some form of conduct action in relation to his trustee’s ticket.INO makes no suggestion of wrongdoing and at time of writing the subject of those reports had not responded to multiple…

ASIC follows AFSA’s lead in deputising profession

Deregistered Trustee David John Leigh.Don’t you love this initiative by the regulators to make registered practitioners responsible if a disgraced ex-trustee or liquidator weedles their way back into the game?The thought occurred to INO following Wednesday’s announcement by ASIC in regards to David John Leigh, the former PPB Advisory partner who misappropriated $800,000 from a liquidation account between July and November in 2017. The committee convened to…

AFSA judging trustees’ referrers for worthiness

Has any insolvency practitioner ever said: there’s never been a better time to be a gatekeeper of the financial system? If so, they are probably long since retired. In this day and age, regulators are at risk of turning the gatekeepers into turnkeys, if not inmates. For the source of our cynicism, we refer to the contents of a letter, dredged from the toxic silts…

Fraudster stripped of registration

Deregistered Trustee David John Leigh.When one has already sought to have one’s registration as a trustee in bankruptcy suspended, a show cause notice (SCN) from the personal insolvency regulator is unlikely to shock.Such then was the apparent indifference with which admitted fraudster David John Leigh, the former PPB Advisory partner who in 2017 filched $800,000 from a liquidation account for reasons undisclosed, treated the October…